I don't want to build a Jira clone. Jira excels at being Jira. Trying to compete with that directly would be missing the point. Instead, I see an opportunity to address an essential gap in how teams use tools like Jira and how they collaborate to build meaningful products.
In the world of software development, the traditional approach often involves large batches of work, where teams are booked up for months and new features or changes have to wait in line. This approach can lead to long lead times, significant delays, and a constant need for re-prioritization, often involving lengthy discussions with stakeholders.
Kent Beck invented Test-Driven Development (TDD), inspired from one of his dad's programming books. One of them said, "here's how to write a program. You take the input tape and you manually type in the output tape that you expect; and then, program until that's the output tape that you get from that input tape.
Of course it does. But that's the wrong question. Because Agile Software Development is directly related to computing power and so it has similar scaling qualities.
Routine enables us to move fast in a sustainable velocity. So we have 6 meetings during our iterations. It's simple, focuses on solving the misalignment problem, and periodical (repeats every iteration).
Or rather, you think there's going to be a conflict about a particular subject and so you don't even broach it. You don't even know if all the subsequent decisions and problems could've been avoided had you just asked.
I started out writing a verbose post about how to create a DevOps culture in an enterprise. After sleeping on it, I realized that people really need tactical suggestions on how to create a DevOps culture, not just a description. So here's a DevOps Culture todo list.
This has been a long time coming. I've preached about blogging for years and yet, have never done it myself. Well, I have but back in 1997 and I didn't keep it up and I don't have proof. And I'm a big believer programmers should write code and if you're a programmer AND gonna write a blog, you should write the blog engine yourself. It shows off your talents, or lack there of, and you'll learn something along the way.